About Taos, New Mexico

Taos Mountain
Taos Moun­tain

Taos is a major art  cen­ter with many gal­leries and shops. It hosts  many events, includ­ing  the Fall Arts Fes­ti­val, the Bal­loon Fes­ti­val, Taos Film Fes­ti­val,  Taos Jazz Fes­ti­val,  Taos Solar Music Fes­ti­val, the  Taos Wool Fes­ti­val,  sev­er­al craft fairs and much, much more.

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Rio Grande Gorge
Rio Grande Gorge

In the sum­mer there  is white water raft­ing, hik­ing, moun­tain bik­ing, horse­back rid­ing, fish­ing to men­tion a few. In  fall dri­ving through the aspen forests, bril­liant with gold, is hard to  match any­where. And in win­ter there are  world  class ski­ing and oth­er win­ter sports.