Filigree Jewelry

Filligree Earrings
Fil­i­gree Earrings

Fine fil­i­gree jew­el­ry is found in var­i­ous cul­tures. From the ancient cul­tures of the Zapotec Indi­ans to the Span­ish who car­ried the designs of the Arab and Moor­ish cul­tures to this con­ti­nent, the use of fine­ly wrought wire to cre­ate the most del­i­cate cre­ations of ear­rings, bracelets and neck­laces still endures in this collection.
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Amy Starr has been col­lab­o­rat­ing with famed Oax­a­can jew­el­ry design­er, Mae­stro Delfi­no, to pro­duce a very spe­cial col­lec­tion in both sil­ver and gold fil­i­gree jew­el­ry.