Interwoven Lives

Two women in village market, shopping for their #DayOfDead altars from upcoming book, INTERWOVEN LIVES..., by Susanna Starr, photos by John Lamkin.
Two women in vil­lage mar­ket, shop­ping for their #Day­OfDead altars from upcom­ing book, INTERWOVEN LIVES…, by Susan­na Starr, pho­tos by John Lamkin.

Two women in vil­lage mar­ket, shop­ping for Day of Dead altars from upcom­ing book by Starr Inte­ri­or’s own­er, Susan­na Starr, pho­tos by John Lamkin.

It began with Love. It grew with Love. And with Love, it continues.

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Pub­li­ca­tion date: April 2014
Palo­ma Blan­ca Press


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