Events at Starr Interiors — Book Signing & Weaving Demonstration

Father Bill & Mirabai Starr signing "Mother of God; Similar to Fire" at Starr Interiors, Taos, New Mexico
Father Bill & Mirabai Starr sign­ing “Moth­er of God; Sim­i­lar to Fire” at Starr Interiors

Peo­ple were lined up from one end to the oth­er of the Starr Gallery room at Starr Inte­ri­ors, Taos on Fri­day night (Sept. 24th) as Mirabai Starr and Father William McNi­chols (Father Bill) signed their new­ly released book Moth­er of God; Sim­i­lar to Fire*.

This exquis­ite book, a col­lab­o­ra­tion between both author and artist, presents a selec­tion of the icons of Father Bill’s with Mirabai’s accom­pa­ny­ing reflec­tions. The book is ded­i­cat­ed to the Fem­i­nine rep­re­sent­ed by Mary, Moth­er of God since she tran­scends any reli­gious bound­aries, but rep­re­sents the Moth­er as she appears to all peo­ple in all cultures.

It was a beau­ti­ful and joy­ous occa­sion at Starr Inte­ri­ors with both old friends and new, mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty and vis­i­tors, milling around the court­yard, sam­pling the deli­cious, beau­ti­ful­ly-pre­sent­ed food pre­pared by the School of Culi­nary Arts of the Uni­ver­si­ty of New Mex­i­co at Taos.

Using sham­poos works for brand via­gra 100mg some and not for oth­ers. It states that pain was reduced by 40 to 50 lev­i­t­ra gener­i­ka per­cent of all women, and most and are most like­ly over­weight as well. Affect­ing the Van Nuys Air­port (VNY), as well as BUR, the Val­ley-Wide Noise Relief Act will online phar­ma­cy via­gra pass­es expand its range to accom­mo­date oth­er south­ern Cal­i­for­nia air­ports if it suc­ceeds. Patients must refrain from con­sid­er­ing extra dosage of such med­i­c­i­nal pills since it could cause lev­i­t­ra on line dizzi­ness. While the folks who had pur­chased their copies of the book wait­ed in line to have their books signed, Mirabai read from the reflec­tions and Father Bill spoke of the mes­sage of Mary as the Uni­ver­sal Moth­er and not­ed singer/songwriter Jen­ny Bird sang her beau­ti­ful and stir­ring ren­di­tion of Ave Maria. What a lot of love and affec­tion poured through the gallery!

Florentino at loom in Starr Interior's courtyard
Flo­renti­no at loom in Starr Inte­ri­or’s courtyard

The next week­end event (Octo­ber 2nd and 3rd) was just as suc­cess­ful – the annu­al vis­it by mas­ter weaver Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez and his asso­ciate Hugo Gon­za­les. While they did weav­ing demon­stra­tions on the tra­di­tion­al Zapotec loom in Starr Inte­ri­or’s court­yard, Florentino’s wife, Eloisa, pre­pared and served deli­cious Oax­a­can hot choco­late. This event coin­cid­ed with the annu­al Taos Wool Festival.

*Moth­er of God; Sim­i­lar to Fire is avail­able from Starr Inte­ri­ors of through Mirabai’s web­site.

A Taste of Oaxaca in Taos, New Mexico: Master Zapotec Weaver, Florentino Gutierrez Gives Weaving Demonstration

Florentino Gutierrez Master Zapotec Indian Weaver
Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez Mas­ter Zapotec Indi­an Weaver ©John Lamkin

Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez, not­ed weaver of Zapotec hand­made rugs, will be giv­ing a weav­ing demon­stra­tion show­ing the tra­di­tion­al way of the cen­turies old Zapotec Indi­an weav­ing tech­nique Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, Octo­ber 2nd and 3rd, 2010. Starr Inte­ri­ors will be host­ing this spe­cial event in their court­yard at 117–119 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, New Mex­i­co two doors south of the his­toric Taos Inn.
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