A Visit to Teotitlan

A Visit to Teotitlan

Two Women at Teotitlan Market - Oaxaca Mexico
Two Women in Teoti­t­lan Mar­ket, Oax­a­ca Mex­i­co ©John Lamkin

A Vis­it to Teoti­t­lan by John Lamkin

Near­ly 40 years ago, I bumped along the pot-holed high­way south out of Oax­a­ca City, Mex­i­co to get to the Zapotec Indi­an weav­ing vil­lage of Teoti­tlán del Valle, an enclave of dirt streets and mea­ger houses–with earth floors, out­door kitchens and out­hous­es. The only school had but three grades, and there was very lit­tle elec­tric­i­ty. Con­tin­ue read­ing