As part of “Starr Interiors Features Taos Artists,” the gallery presents The Art of Richard St. John Hawley & Tupper Heaton Hawley

As part of Starr Inte­ri­ors Fea­tures Taos Artists, the gallery presents The Art of Richard St. John Haw­ley & Tup­per Heaton Hawley.

The exhib­it will be shown from Sep­tem­ber 25 through Octo­ber 14, 2011 with a recep­tion for the artists from 5 – 7 pm, Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 25 in Starr Inte­ri­ors, his­toric courtyard.

Starr Inte­ri­ors is locat­ed at 117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, New Mexico.

Richard Hawley & Tupper Heaton Hawley
Richard Haw­ley & Tup­per Heaton Hawley

Richard St. John Haw­ley & Tup­per Heaton Hawley

Richard & Tup­per met in Taos, New Mex­i­co in 1980, both chil­dren of renowned artists. From a very ear­ly age they were exposed to many medi­ums of art and were very influ­enced by the beau­ty around their homes and the Taos land­scape. Through their efforts, they have devel­oped a won­der­ful sense of col­or, form and tex­ture. Richard’s back­ground in ceram­ics com­bined with Tup­per’s life long expo­sure to met­al pro­duces end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties. Richard’s exquis­ite ceram­ic ves­sels are much sought after. The rich, unique met­al-mosa­ic medi­um used by Tup­per is an inno­va­tion of her par­ents and is used exclu­sive­ly in the fam­i­ly. Tup­per and Richard’s con­tri­bu­tion to the advance­ment and enhance­ment of the medi­um con­tin­ues to unfold. The lat­est addi­tion is using Fused Glass along with the cop­per mosa­ic, mak­ing glass mosaics and com­bin­ing them with cop­per, sil­ver and semi pre­cious stones such as turquoise, opals gar­nets, amethyst, pearls and tour­ma­line. Togeth­er they com­bine their tal­ents to cre­ate intri­cate com­po­si­tions of swirling sil­ver, cop­per and brass mosa­ic, inlaid semi-pre­cious stones and fused glass, hand paint­ed liq­uid gold on gleam­ing cop­per pan­els pre­sent­ed on back­grounds of carved wood.
What pre­cise­ly seem to be those signs attached to despair? gener­ic via­gra tadalafil 1. All three loca­tions were run­ning on Com­pass Con­trac­tor, an aging sys­tem for defense con­trac­tors from West­ern Data Sys­tems, but the divi­sions were not all on the order cheap cialis same data­base. This can then be sam­ple via­gra cor­rect­ed over weeks or even months after the acci­dent has occurred. The words “I love you” may rarely be via­gra prices heard, if at all. 

Tupper Heaton Hawley - Pueblo Cross
Tup­per Heaton Haw­ley — Pueblo Cross
Richard Hawley - Raku Pot
Richard Haw­ley — Raku Pot

Starr Inte­ri­ors
117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
Taos, NM 87571