Zapotec Rugs & Weavings

Zapotec rugs.
One of our show­rooms in Taos, New Mexico.

Starr Inte­ri­ors has been known for almost 40 years as the source for the finest of South­west­ern style con­tem­po­rary and tra­di­tion­al Mex­i­can hand made rugs. The three fea­tured col­lec­tions encom­pass the best hand­made Indi­an wool rugs craft­ed by a care­ful­ly select­ed group of tra­di­tion­al Zapotec Indi­an weavers.

The Line of the Spir­it™ is an exclu­sive design­er col­lec­tion using only hand-card­ed, hand-spun, hand-dyed chur­ro wool to cre­ate indi­vid­ual pieces in a vari­ety of col­ors and designs. Many cul­tures, from the Amer­i­can south­west to trib­al nomadic designs from the mid-east, pro­vide design inspi­ra­tion. This unique col­lec­tion is signed with a reg­is­tered trade­mark insur­ing authenticity.

The Starr Gallery col­lec­tion fea­tures the work of mas­ter weavers cho­sen for their skill and cre­ativ­i­ty in the use of unique col­ors, designs and qual­i­ty to pro­duce these fine tra­di­tion­al Mex­i­can rugs.

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All pieces from each col­lec­tion are hand-woven with 100% nat­ur­al wool. Because each piece is one-of-a-kind, sizes and col­ors may vary slightly.

Ship­ping of Weavings

All pur­chas­es are shipped UPS Ground with sched­uled deliv­ery 5 to 7 busi­ness days from date of ship­ment. All pur­chas­es are insured and ship­ping costs are based upon weight and val­ue.