Marsha Fawns Sculpture Show a Great Success

The open­ing recep­tion for the sculp­ture show of the work of Mar­sha Fawns was a huge suc­cess. While many peo­ple milled around in Starr Inte­ri­ors’ court­yard, oth­ers were inside view­ing the more than twen­ty pieces that were on exhib­it. It was lots of fun and a delight­ful atmosphere.


Marcia Fawns Sculptor
Mar­cia Fawns Sculptor

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Sev­er­al pieces were sold at the open­ing and more the fol­low­ing week. The show is still up and draw­ing atten­tion from vis­i­tors pass­ing by with the beau­ti­ful pieces dis­played in the front win­dow of Starr Inte­ri­ors’ gallery room.

Mar­sha’s sculpt­ing demon­stra­tion was a big hit and many peo­ple came away with a bet­ter under­stand­ing of her work.

In spite of a foot injury that impact­ed upon her abil­i­ty to walk, Mar­sha was hard at work since last fall when the show was first dis­cussed. The result was a beau­ti­ful body of work, pri­mar­i­ly fig­u­ra­tive in theme. Her use of white clay with mica flecks lends a spe­cial glow to her pieces, many of which rep­re­sent some sort of move­ment. The exhib­it, enti­tled “Inter­con­nec­tions” evokes the artist’s philo­soph­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing, rep­re­sent­ed through her work. 

This show is the first in the series called “Starr Inte­ri­ors fea­tures Taos Artists.” Please check here for the next event to be announced.

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