Starr Interiors’ Alcove Shows featuring Remarkable Women

Abby Sals­bury

In keep­ing with Taos,  New Mexico’s 2012 theme of Remark­able Women of Taos, Starr Inte­ri­ors presents a series of alcove shows fea­tur­ing remark­able women of Taos.

Starr Inte­ri­ors is a weav­ing gallery owned and oper­at­ed by remark­able women of Taos–since 1974.

May 12–31    Kendra Risinger – Glass Art

Open­ing – May 12, 4–6

June  9–25    Abby Sals­bury – Ceramics

Open­ing – June 9, 4–6 PM

July 7–23      Lydia Gar­cia – Retab­los & Santos

Open­ing – July 7, 4–6 PM

Aug.4–27      Ter­rie Man­gat – Mixed Media Quilts

Open­ing – Aug. 4, 4–6PM
Besides, online lev­i­t­ra india the avail­abil­i­ty of this mode of treat­ment was cost-effec­tive and use­ful at the same time. Cause of erec­tile dys­func­tion: Dur­ing the lat­er days, erec­tile defi­cien­cy used to con­sid­er as con­flicts of men­tal via­gra on sale cheap­est health (NIMH, NIH, US Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices) Lamberg,L. All these med­ica­tions are lev­i­t­ra price in india a great way to help men face their sex­u­al health issues. More­over, some researchers think that buy via­gra helps the penis to be filled with enough blood sup­ply by sooth­ing penis arter­ies, which in turn caused a vol­ume of elec­tric­i­ty and pow­er surge. 
Sept. 8–24    Ann St. John Haw­ley – Paintings

Open­ing – Sept. 8, 4–6 PM

Oct. 5–29      Zapotec Women – Weavings

Demon­stra­tion – Oct. 6–7, 12–4 PM

For media infor­ma­tion, call Leah  at 575–758-3065

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Starr Inte­ri­ors
117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
2 doors South the of Taos Inn
Taos, New Mex­i­co 87571