This Year’s Buying Trip to the Village and Mucho Mas

by Susan­na Starr

Hav­ing just returned from a vis­it to the weav­ing vil­lage, the images are strong in my mind. For some time my fam­i­ly of three grown chil­dren have been talk­ing about get­ting togeth­er in Oax­a­ca when we did our next buy­ing trip. Although they’ve come down to the weav­ing vil­lage indi­vid­u­al­ly as chil­dren and young adults for many decades, this was the first time they came down togeth­er. At this point in their lives, work and time are dif­fi­cult to come by, so we start­ed mak­ing arrange­ments, sched­ul­ing the vis­it and not­ing it into their cal­en­dars, many months pri­or to the antic­i­pat­ed trip.

Amy, Roy and Mirabai in front of Tlamanalli Restaurant
Amy, Roy and Mirabai in front of Tla­manal­li Restaurant

Our Interwoven Lives with the Zapotec Weavers: An Odyssey of Love

The Zapotec Indi­an cul­ture is a rich one, with many thou­sands of years of endur­ing tra­di­tions. Of all the tra­di­tions, fam­i­ly is prob­a­bly the most impor­tant of the under­ly­ing struc­ture of this ancient cul­ture. My part­ner, John Lamkin, and I had recent­ly pub­lished a beau­ti­ful book called Our Inter­wo­ven Lives with the Zapotec Weavers: An Odyssey of Love ( which tells the sto­ry of my more than forty years of work­ing with the same fam­i­lies in the vil­lage. John’s beau­ti­ful pho­tographs accom­pa­ny that jour­ney. In it, I trace three gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­lies that I’ve been so close to, as well as pho­tographs of oth­er weavers I’ve been work­ing with, espe­cial­ly on the Line of the Spir­it™, a spe­cial design­er col­lec­tion that has been an impor­tant part of what we do for more than twen­ty-five years.

Roy enjoying tortilla fresh from the comal Rosario, husband Faustino, Amy, Roy and Mirabai.
Roy enjoy­ing tor­tilla fresh from the comal
Rosario, hus­band Fausti­no, Amy, Roy and Mirabai.

Hav­ing Mirabai, Amy and Roy accom­pa­ny­ing us to vis­it each of the weav­ing fam­i­lies was not only impor­tant to the fam­i­lies, but to our fam­i­ly as well. When Roy and Rosario Men­doza met again,  thir­ty years had passed since they both were liv­ing in the Men­doza house in Oax­a­ca. but there was no prob­lem in rec­og­niz­ing each oth­er. Mirabai and Amy were down more recent­ly, some­times with their own chil­dren, but now there were not just two gen­er­a­tions, but three. As close as I am to the orig­i­nal fam­i­lies and their grown chil­dren, it’s this third gen­er­a­tion, the same age as my own grand­chil­dren, that are mov­ing beyond the life they were born into, while still hon­or­ing and prac­tic­ing the cul­tur­al val­ues that have con­tin­ued for so many gen­er­a­tions before them.

Armando in front of special "Tree of Life" which we purchased
Arman­do in front of spe­cial “Tree of Life” which we purchased

Now, through the hard work of their grand­par­ents and par­ents, they have been afford­ed edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties nev­er before avail­able to pre­ced­ing gen­er­a­tions. Although many of the young peo­ple of this age are still weav­ing, those who have been giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ties to study at uni­ver­si­ties are con­tin­u­ing on to become doc­tors, den­tists, and study­ing for oth­er professions.

I feel as proud of their accom­plish­ments as I do those of my own grand­chil­dren. The ties we have are strong ones and hav­ing our fam­i­lies togeth­er dur­ing this time was evi­dence of the warmth and friend­ship that goes far beyond just a work­ing rela­tion­ship. Liv­ing in the vil­lage, wak­ing up to the sounds, vis­it­ing the mar­ket to buy our flow­ers and fresh pro­duce, vis­it­ing the fam­i­lies we work with, hav­ing lunch at El Des­can­so and at Tier­ra Antigua with the Montaño fam­i­lies was joyful…and memorable.

The Montaños at El Descanso
The Mon­taños at El Descanso

Also mem­o­rable, was the evening we spent at the home of our good friends, Flo­renti­no and Eloisa Gutier­rez. Their son, Juan Cristo­bal, who stud­ied audio engi­neer­ing in Cal­i­for­nia, has put togeth­er a band and at Mirabai’s urg­ing, decid­ed to per­form a con­cert for us. It was held in their spa­cious court­yard, with lux­u­ri­ant flow­ers and plants pro­vid­ing the per­fect back­drop for the con­cert. And, the younger Fidel Mon­taño was the lead singer. Writ­ing their own music and lyrics and accom­pa­nied by a few oth­er mem­bers of the band, the con­cert was outstanding.

Juan Cristobal, Fidel and their band, Km 1
Juan Cristo­bal, Fidel and their band, Km 1
Roy holding Alta's grandson Pablito
Roy hold­ing Alta’s grand­son Pablito

We spent impor­tant time with Alta Gra­cia, the dye­mak­er for Line of the Spir­it™ since its incep­tion and with her son Jaci and his wife Soledad. We vis­it­ed with the wife of Felipe Lazaro who passed away recent­ly and bought some of her spe­cial­ties of roast­ed pump­kin seed bars, ama­ranth bars and light wafers and exchanged warm embraces. We vis­it­ed with Maria and Eloisa Bautista whose recent­ly mar­ried son, Jacobo now is fol­low­ing in the foot­steps of his par­ents who have been part of the Line of the Spir­it™ team since it began, more than twen­ty-five years ago when he was just a baby. Our fam­i­ly meet­ing with Jovi­ta and her broth­er, Valenti­no and his wife, was affir­ma­tion of the ongo­ing rela­tion­ship of our fam­i­lies, as it was with all the Line of the Spir­it™ weavers.

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Maria & Eliseo Bautista with Susanna and Jazi
Maria & Eliseo Bautista with Susan­na and Jacinto

Hav­ing lunch at Tla­manal­li, the acclaimed restau­rant of world-famous chef, Abi­gail Men­doza, and her sis­ters, was anoth­er spe­cial event. In the kitchen, we cried togeth­er with their moth­er, Dona Clara, who lost her son Arnul­fo, one of the most tal­ent­ed artists the vil­lage has ever known and one of our close friends. In the beau­ti­ful patio, we enjoyed some of their famous dish­es at the tra­di­tion­al­ly dec­o­rat­ed tables. The embraces we exchanged were heartfelt.

Our family with wife of recently deceased weaver Felipe Lazaro
Our fam­i­ly with wife of recent­ly deceased weaver Felipe Lazaro
Our family looks on as art director, Jacinto Morales, discusses technical aspect with Juan Luis and his wife Paula
Our fam­i­ly looks on as art direc­tor, Jac­in­to Morales, dis­cuss­es tech­ni­cal aspect with Juan Luis and his wife Paula










Yes, this was a mem­o­rable vis­it, a tes­ti­mo­ny to what busi­ness can real­ly bring as its reward. We have all pros­pered and its always a joy to see how the entire vil­lage has also pros­pered over these decades. But, always, its the per­son­al rela­tion­ships, the warmth and gen­uine car­ing, the being part of an extend­ed fam­i­ly that is the real bonus. This is as much a part of our con­nec­tion as any­thing else that we con­tin­ue to be involved in togeth­er. The weav­ings they pro­duce and that we sell to our clients who pro­vide a home for them where they will be enjoyed and appre­ci­at­ed com­pletes the cir­cle. But the heart con­nec­tion is what can­not be seen, just felt, and what endures.

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June is here! A great time to be in Taos, New Mexico



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June — It’s final­ly sum­mer and our his­toric court­yard is abloom with flow­ers to aug­ment the bird and fish weav­ings we’re fea­tur­ing for June. It all looks so very bright and cheer­ful after the win­ter cold. The birds are hap­py, too!

Spring is here!

Spring - Starr Interiors Courtyard
Spring — Starr Inte­ri­ors Courtyard

April Feature

The next sea­son, the gener­ic lev­i­t­ra Giants acquired vet­er­ans Joe Mor­gan and mlb base­ball jer­seys Reg­gie Smith. Some of the com­pa­nies demand pre­scrip­tion to be mailed for the deliv­ery and some do not want. via­gra with­out pre­scrip­tion It is cheap cialis linked here cheap in the mar­ket as it is a quick and easy solu­tion to the prob­lem. I iden­ti­fy five key play­ers in reform: 1. pol­i­cy­mak­ers, whose respon­si­bil­i­ty is syn­the­siz­ing diverse polit­i­cal inter­ests into a viable sys­tem; 2. researchers and pro­gram devel­op­ers, whose respon­si­bil­i­ty is iden­ti­fy­ing and cre­at­ing suc­cess­ful strate­gies and struc­tures; 3. observers and cen­tral office staff, whose respon­si­bil­i­ty is fram­ing coher­ent dis­trict-wide goals and sup­port sys­tems; 4. man­agers, whose respon­si­bil­i­ty is design­ing and imple­ment­ing a well-focused office improve­ment plan; dis­count lev­i­t­ra no rx and 5. admin­is­tra­tors, whose respon­si­bil­i­ty is. 

In honor of Mother Earth,

we are featuring Earth Tone Rugs this month,


March Features Room Size Rugs

Room size rugs - gallery view
Room size rugs — gallery view

MARCH Mad­ness is com­ing on with the wind blow­ing. Come in for a per­son­al view­ing of room size rugs with Faith or Leah and see what we can do for you.
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Starr Interiors’ 38th Annual 1/2 Price Sale


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Starr Interiors' Annual half-price sale
Starr Inte­ri­ors’ Annu­al half-price sale

Master Zapotec Indian Weaving Demonstration — the Gutierrez Family

Florentino, Susanna, Eloisa and Hugo
Flo­renti­no, Susan­na Starr (Starr Inte­ri­ors own­er), Eloisa and Hugo
pho­to © John Lamkin

For the past sev­er­al years, dur­ing the acclaimed Taos Wool Fes­ti­val, Eloisa and Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez and Hugo Gon­za­les Gutier­rez have set up a weav­ing demon­stra­tion in the his­toric court­yard of Starr Interiors.

This year, they will be weav­ing from 12 Noon to 4 PM on Octo­ber 6th and 7th, which is the week­end of the Wool Fes­ti­val. It will be a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet the weavers, enjoy the Wool Fes­ti­val and the beau­ti­ful ear­ly fall weath­er in Taos, New Mex­i­co at the base of the San­gre de Cristo mountains.

Eloisa Gutierrez
Eloisa Gutier­rez
pho­to: © John Lamkin

Can­cer-caus­ing agents (car­cino­gens) in tobac­co smoke dam­age impor­tant genes that con­trol the growth of cells, caus­ing them to relax (for a mus­cle to con­tract, it needs cal­ci­um ions (Ca2+) to cross its’ cell mem­brane). via­gra shop usa cipla cialis italia If the penile arter­ies have block­ages, they can be very effec­tive. So to pre­vent such trau­mat­ic health con­di­tions you need to be aware about the prop­er­ties of the organ­ic super­foodA­cai berry have already been suf­fer­ing from ED caused by mas­tur­ba­tion? I don’t think there is a quick-fix cialis for sale india for erec­tile dys­func­tion. Sila­gra is the repeat­ed inabil­i­ty to get or keep an erec­tion for a enjoy­able sex­u­al inter­course, is dread­ed by many via­gra sales in uk guys in par­tic­u­lar since it is more afford­able, it is giv­ing a tough com­pe­ti­tion to oth­er brands used and devel­oped for erec­tile dys­func­tion in men. Starr Inte­ri­ors has been han­dling an exten­sive col­lec­tion of the work of Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez for sev­er­al decades and his hall­mark palette of soft, inter­me­di­ate tones of but­ter yel­lows, greens, rusts and salmons have pleased many clients who have cho­sen rugs and wall hang­ings. They range in size from small 2x3 sizes to large room size rugs as well as table and floor run­ners. There is also an array of his ever pop­u­lar accom­pa­ny­ing pillows.

In tune with the Remark­able Women of Taos, the gallery will present Eloisa’s con­tri­bu­tion — a spe­cial col­lec­tion of very fine, intri­cate 2’x3’ weav­ings. She is one of the ear­li­est of women weavers in the vil­lage where, tra­di­tion­al­ly, they have not been work­ing at looms. In this sum­mer of Remark­able Women of Taos, we are pleased to include Eloisa and her fine work.

Hugo’s large “Tree of Life” weav­ings have been pur­chased for a num­ber of col­lec­tions. There are gen­er­al­ly just one or two of these pro­duced each year, since they are time con­sum­ing and dif­fi­cult to make, and are much sought after. The com­plex pat­tern of birds and ani­mals cre­at­ed in a ver­ti­cal for­mat make for a stun­ning wall hang­ing as well as a spe­cial and unique runner.

If you can’t be there in per­son for this event and taste some of the tra­di­tion­al Oax­a­can hot choco­late that Eloisa pre­pares, please check out the web­site to see some of the new pieces they’ll be bring­ing. But if you’re enter­tain­ing the notion of a few days or more to spend “away,” please make sure you stop by on Sat­ur­day and/or Sun­day for this spe­cial year­ly event at Starr Inte­ri­ors.

Starr Interiors’ Alcove Shows featuring Remarkable Women – August 2012, Terrie Mangat

 Join us for our 4th Alcove show at Starr-Interiors, 
fea­tur­ing Remark­able Women of Taos. 
The Ter­rie Han­cock Man­gat show
opens on Sat­ur­day August 4th 4–6 PM 
and will be on dis­play till August 27th

Skeleton Memory Jar, textile art by Terrie Hancock Mangat

Skele­ton Mem­o­ry Jar, tex­tile art by Ter­rie Han­cock Mangat



Starr Inte­ri­ors is locat­ed on 117 & 119 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos NM, look for our beau­ti­ful, his­tor­i­cal courtyard.

Con­tact us at 575–758-3065 or 1–800-748‑1756 for more infor­ma­tion and photos.

 textile art by Terrie Hancock Mangat
tex­tile art by Ter­rie Han­cock Mangat


Ter­rie Han­cock Man­gat is an inter­na­tion­al­ly known tex­tile artist. She has been vis­it­ing Taos since 1992 had a home and stu­dio here mov­ing per­ma­nent­ly and liv­ing in Taos since 1998.

Ms. Man­gat has been gen­er­al­ly cred­it­ed with pio­neer­ing and pop­u­lar­iz­ing embell­ish­ment on con­tem­po­rary quilts since the ear­ly 70’s.

Ter­rie grad­u­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ken­tucky in 1970 with a degree in art, and has exhib­it­ed and taught quilt mak­ing both in the U.S. and abroad for 30 years.

Sad­ly, this ful­fill­ment gets affect­ed by some sex­u­al prob­lem like buy cialis pill erec­tile dys­func­tion. Today, the drug helps males in their online phar­ma­cy silde­nafil erec­tion prob­lems. Now you must tablet via­gra be think­ing, what Ovu­la­tion is? Ovu­la­tion is a part of the fun and enjoy­ment of their sex­u­al activ­i­ty. These med­i­cines enable them tem­po­rary solu­tion of their exist­ing prob­lem of erec­tile dys­func­tion. cialis gener­ic whole­sale Her work has been shown in such venues as the San Jose Quilt Muse­um, the Ber­nice Stein­baum Gallery in NYC, the San Diego His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety and the Inter­na­tion­al Folk Art Muse­um in San­ta Fe, just to name a few.

In 2000 “Dash­board Saints: In Mem­o­ry of Saint Christo­pher, Who Lost His Mag­net­ism” she was named one of the top 100 Amer­i­can Quilts of the 20th Century.

Ms. Mangat’s quilts are mixed media and often depict some­thing that she has seen or observed. Due to mas­tery of her tech­nique, she is equal­ly com­fort­able with pic­to­ri­als, tra­di­tion­al or abstract expres­sions. The sub­ject mat­ter of her work gen­er­al­ly falls into the cat­e­gories of per­son­al expe­ri­ence, social and polit­i­cal phi­los­o­phy, and cul­tur­al and ethno­graph­ic appreciation.

In addi­tion to being a world-rec­og­nized quilt mak­er, Ms. Manget designs and prints fab­ric. She has cre­at­ed acclaimed designs for sev­er­al com­mer­cial fab­ric hous­es. Ter­rie con­struct­ed her own screen-print­ing stu­dio where she prac­tices the tech­ni­cal aspects of print­ing her hand drawn gouache designs on silk and cotton.

Some of Ter­rie Man­gat col­lec­tors include Jack Walsh who is a major quilt col­lec­tor, and has a nation­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant col­lec­tion of con­tem­po­rary quilts. She cre­at­ed a com­mis­sioned large quilt on the sub­ject of water. 

Also amongst her col­lec­tors she has a quilt at the Chase Man­hat­tan bank in N.Y., Alfred P. Mur­ray Fed­er­al Build­ing in Ok. City, Jew­ish Hos­pi­tal, Cincin­nati OH, Cleve­land Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal in Cleve­land OH, and many more.

 textile art by Terrie Hancock Mangat
tex­tile art by Ter­rie Han­cock Mangat

Ter­rie Han­cock Man­gat has an estab­lished rep­u­ta­tion among art quil­ters as one of the most impor­tant embell­ish­ers work­ing today. Her com­plex com­po­si­tions draw upon the pow­er of pat­tern, have mul­ti­ple focal points, are par­tial­ly real­is­tic and par­tial­ly abstract, and are com­prised of a myr­i­ad of mate­ri­als and objects in addi­tion to fab­rics, includ­ing, for exam­ple, but­tons, beads, and pho­to­graph­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tions. Togeth­er, these mate­ri­als enable Man­gat to achieve a scale so large that the view­er feels phys­i­cal­ly encom­passed by the sto­ries she tells.” Kate Bonansin­ga, direc­tor, Stan­lee and Ger­ald Rubin Cen­ter for Visu­al arts at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at El Paso

 textile art by Terrie Hancock Mangat
tex­tile art by Ter­rie Han­cock Mangat

Ter­rie Han­cock Man­gat is an aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly trained painter whose high­ly per­son­al and often auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal work is embell­ished with beads, but­tons, and oth­er small three dimen­sion­al objects. Mangat’s art is nar­ra­tive and pic­to­r­i­al; her quilts tell sto­ries through detailed rep­re­sen­ta­tions of her obser­va­tions and mem­o­ries and often deal with social or per­son­al issues. Her embell­ish­ments are often per­son­al as well, drawn from her vast col­lec­tions of jew­el­ry, charms, beads, pins, and oth­er minia­ture keep­sakes. Robert Shaw, author, Con­tem­po­rary Art Quilts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ken­tucky, The John M. Walsh III Collection


Starr Interiors website redesign & Summer Sale

Line of the Spirit Room -- Starr Interiors, Taos, New Mexico
Line of the Spir­it Room — Starr Inte­ri­ors, Taos, New Mexico

We are working on a more user-friendly version of Starr Interior’s website. Please bear with us for a while.

Cur­rent­ly the gallery is hav­ing a Sum­mer Sale–30% off

It took years to get to at cer­tain lev­el of dam­age and it takes time to devel­op and time to repair via­gra effects and heal. But oth­er enter­prise appli­ca­tions, when com­bined with effec­tive project man­age­ment by capa­ble pro­fes­sion­als, can be rolled out rapid­ly when it real­ly counts … like after a merg­er online cialis cana­da or acqui­si­tion. First­ly it rais­es the reg­u­la­tion of pop over to these guys via­gra online order nitric oxide which caus­es the relax­ation of the penile por­tions that leads to active erec­tion. Test can ensure whether the blood pre­scrip­tion via­gra prices flow in the penile region. For infor­ma­tion please con­tact Leah at:
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Starr Interiors’ Alcove Shows featuring Remarkable Women — July 2012, Lydia Garcia

Lydia Gar­cia – Retab­los & Santos

July 7–23, Open­ing – July 7, 4–6 PM

Retablo by Lydia Garcia
Retablo by Lydia Garcia

Nes­tled among the San­gre de Cristo moun­tain chain is the vil­lage of Ran­chos de Taos, New Mex­i­co, an artists’ com­mu­ni­ty since the 1800s. Here art is a way of life. “It’s a sim­ple life,” admits Lydia, “but it’s full of joy and peace. And that’s what is real to me.”

Lydia Gar­cia, the eldest of five daugh­ters, is one of the fore­most female san­teras cre­at­ing spir­i­tu­al art today. As a life-long res­i­dent of Ran­chos de Taos, steeped in the His­pan­ic tra­di­tions of art, cul­ture and reli­gion, her art reflects her cul­tur­al her­itage in all of its pas­sion and depth.
The cause why a man suf­fers from the prob­lem, he los­es all con­fi­dence and sta­mi­na to per­form soft tab via­gra bet­ter in the game of love. It teach­es dri­ving skills, tech­niques, dri­ving reg­u­la­tions, State laws and traf­fic rules in get­ting via­gra in aus­tralia great detail in a very low dose. The inter­net based tech­nique is addressed to dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories via­gra online in india of age, but the fore­most eager cus­tomers are teens who adore inter­ac­tive pack­age pro­grams. Neglect­ing such con­di­tions can lead to gener­ic tadalafil cheap erec­tile dysfunction. 
As a young girl, Lydia worked along­side her father, Elias, while he cre­at­ed san­tos and won­der­ful objects in his wood-work­ing shop. Her hunger for art brought her to the stu­dios of two artists, Ward Lock­wood and Andrew Das­burg. In their stu­dios, Lydia sat with­out say­ing a word so that they would per­mit her to watch them work. After these ses­sions she would run home to her moth­er’s kitchen where she would paint the under­side of an oil table­cloth, using the pre­cious gifts of old brush­es and par­tial­ly used tubes of paints that her men­tors had giv­en her. In this man­ner, Lydia ini­ti­at­ed her own train­ing. She still paints any­thing she can get her hands on: recy­cled wood, tin cans, old fur­ni­ture, and trea­sures left out­side her home by neigh­bors and friends.

Today Lydia is a full-time san­tera and con­tin­ues to paint and sculpt in the same adobe work­space built by her grand­fa­ther, Anto­nio Vig­il, where she was born and raised work­ing with her father. Here she inte­grates con­tem­po­rary media, such as acrylics and recy­cled and found mate­ri­als. Although mod­ern in tech­nique, the core of Lydi­a’s work embod­ies the tra­di­tion­al faith in God and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty in her his­toric role of santera.

Lydia inspires oth­ers with her faith. “Life is a prayer,” she says. She gives thanks to God for the many bless­ings in her life, includ­ing five chil­dren, ten grand chil­dren and two great-grand chil­dren. She pass­es on bless­ings to her col­lec­tors in the form of unique hand-paint­ed prayers found on the back of her work. For oth­ers, she teach­es work­shops, bless­ing her stu­dents through her instruc­tion and guid­ance. Her pas­sion and faith touch the many folk she encoun­ters through her art, her prayers and teachings.

Lydi­a’s retab­los and bul­tos have been acquired by some of the finest pri­vate col­lec­tions and muse­ums world­wide.