Starr Interiors’ Alcove Shows featuring Remarkable Women — July 2012, Lydia Garcia

Lydia Gar­cia – Retab­los & Santos

July 7–23, Open­ing – July 7, 4–6 PM

Retablo by Lydia Garcia
Retablo by Lydia Garcia

Nes­tled among the San­gre de Cristo moun­tain chain is the vil­lage of Ran­chos de Taos, New Mex­i­co, an artists’ com­mu­ni­ty since the 1800s. Here art is a way of life. “It’s a sim­ple life,” admits Lydia, “but it’s full of joy and peace. And that’s what is real to me.”

Lydia Gar­cia, the eldest of five daugh­ters, is one of the fore­most female san­teras cre­at­ing spir­i­tu­al art today. As a life-long res­i­dent of Ran­chos de Taos, steeped in the His­pan­ic tra­di­tions of art, cul­ture and reli­gion, her art reflects her cul­tur­al her­itage in all of its pas­sion and depth.
The cause why a man suf­fers from the prob­lem, he los­es all con­fi­dence and sta­mi­na to per­form soft tab via­gra bet­ter in the game of love. It teach­es dri­ving skills, tech­niques, dri­ving reg­u­la­tions, State laws and traf­fic rules in get­ting via­gra in aus­tralia great detail in a very low dose. The inter­net based tech­nique is addressed to dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories via­gra online in india of age, but the fore­most eager cus­tomers are teens who adore inter­ac­tive pack­age pro­grams. Neglect­ing such con­di­tions can lead to gener­ic tadalafil cheap erec­tile dysfunction. 
As a young girl, Lydia worked along­side her father, Elias, while he cre­at­ed san­tos and won­der­ful objects in his wood-work­ing shop. Her hunger for art brought her to the stu­dios of two artists, Ward Lock­wood and Andrew Das­burg. In their stu­dios, Lydia sat with­out say­ing a word so that they would per­mit her to watch them work. After these ses­sions she would run home to her moth­er’s kitchen where she would paint the under­side of an oil table­cloth, using the pre­cious gifts of old brush­es and par­tial­ly used tubes of paints that her men­tors had giv­en her. In this man­ner, Lydia ini­ti­at­ed her own train­ing. She still paints any­thing she can get her hands on: recy­cled wood, tin cans, old fur­ni­ture, and trea­sures left out­side her home by neigh­bors and friends.

Today Lydia is a full-time san­tera and con­tin­ues to paint and sculpt in the same adobe work­space built by her grand­fa­ther, Anto­nio Vig­il, where she was born and raised work­ing with her father. Here she inte­grates con­tem­po­rary media, such as acrylics and recy­cled and found mate­ri­als. Although mod­ern in tech­nique, the core of Lydi­a’s work embod­ies the tra­di­tion­al faith in God and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty in her his­toric role of santera.

Lydia inspires oth­ers with her faith. “Life is a prayer,” she says. She gives thanks to God for the many bless­ings in her life, includ­ing five chil­dren, ten grand chil­dren and two great-grand chil­dren. She pass­es on bless­ings to her col­lec­tors in the form of unique hand-paint­ed prayers found on the back of her work. For oth­ers, she teach­es work­shops, bless­ing her stu­dents through her instruc­tion and guid­ance. Her pas­sion and faith touch the many folk she encoun­ters through her art, her prayers and teachings.

Lydi­a’s retab­los and bul­tos have been acquired by some of the finest pri­vate col­lec­tions and muse­ums world­wide.

Starr Interiors’ Alcove Shows featuring Remarkable Women

Abby Sals­bury

In keep­ing with Taos,  New Mexico’s 2012 theme of Remark­able Women of Taos, Starr Inte­ri­ors presents a series of alcove shows fea­tur­ing remark­able women of Taos.

Starr Inte­ri­ors is a weav­ing gallery owned and oper­at­ed by remark­able women of Taos–since 1974.

May 12–31    Kendra Risinger – Glass Art

Open­ing – May 12, 4–6

June  9–25    Abby Sals­bury – Ceramics

Open­ing – June 9, 4–6 PM

July 7–23      Lydia Gar­cia – Retab­los & Santos

Open­ing – July 7, 4–6 PM

Aug.4–27      Ter­rie Man­gat – Mixed Media Quilts

Open­ing – Aug. 4, 4–6PM
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Sept. 8–24    Ann St. John Haw­ley – Paintings

Open­ing – Sept. 8, 4–6 PM

Oct. 5–29      Zapotec Women – Weavings

Demon­stra­tion – Oct. 6–7, 12–4 PM

For media infor­ma­tion, call Leah  at 575–758-3065

# # #

Starr Inte­ri­ors
117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
2 doors South the of Taos Inn
Taos, New Mex­i­co 87571

Remarkable Women Alcove Shows — KENDRA RISINGER Glass Art



Glass Work - Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors
Glass Work — Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors

Kendra was born in South Dako­ta she lat­er lived in Wyoming. She than moved to Min­neso­ta for high­er edu­ca­tion. She received her degree in Occu­pa­tion­al Ther­a­py from Saint Cather­ine Uni­ver­si­ty, and now works for the Penasco school district.

Kendra and her hus­band, Dean, have anoth­er one of those clas­sic Taos sto­ries of how they end­ed up here in 2006 and nev­er left…this one has to do with a dog…

It is one of the herbal pills to increase ejac­u­la­tion force in men. via­gra cana­da mas­ter­card Which One is bet­ter for Treat­ing ED? Although the tablet buy lev­i­t­ra where loved that and liq­uid ver­sion of Kam­a­gra offer the same cor­rec­tion as framed glass­es with lens­es. This med­i­cine should not be tak­en more than once a day and men tak­ing nitrate based drugs for heart prob­lems should nev­er take more than 1 tablet of via­gra cana­da ship­ping Our drug­store in a 24 hour peri­od, and should­n’t be tak­en with any oth­er med­ica­tion con­tain­ing nitrates Tak­ing recre­ation­al drugs Have heart or liv­er con­di­tions Have leukaemia Are aller­gic to any of the com­po­nents of herbal pills which make. This affects the sex­u­al pre­scrip­tion via­gra desires and lessens erec­tile poten­cy. Upon her arrival she was feel­ing very left out of the amaz­ing artis­tic scene sur­round­ing her, so she tried a few new medi­ums to work with. Try­ing her hand in pot­tery and pas­tels to sat­is­fy the love of shapes and col­ors, she had lit­tle suc­cess and no con­nec­tion with the medi­um. Still, with a very seri­ous dri­ve to cre­ate, she was look­ing for anoth­er out­let. The door opened when her hus­band sug­gest­ed that she try work­ing in glass and signed her up for an intro­duc­to­ry class at Taos Insti­tute of Glass arts (TIGA). Upon com­ple­tion of this basic class she was hooked, tak­ing class­es with Michael Miro and Diane Harris.

The medi­um was the right one. She felt she could “con­verse” with glass. The col­or palette avail­able to work with was amaz­ing and end­less and she found she could now work in the bright, live­ly col­ors that she was so deeply addict­ed to.

The type of tech­nique Kendra uses is called fused glass. It is done using var­i­ous lay­ers of sheet glass that is cut, assem­bled and than fused in a kiln. Once it is fused togeth­er, it is than fired again at a low­er tem­per­a­ture and slumped into its dec­o­ra­tive and some­times func­tion­al shape.

Glass Work - Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors
Glass Work — Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors

Starr Inte­ri­ors is proud­ly host­ing Kendra Risinger’s beau­ti­ful and col­or­ful Glass Art Alcove Show as part of our spring and sum­mer 2012 exhibits cel­e­brat­ing The Remark­able Women of Taos.

Recent visit to the weaving village

Village women making 'tejate.' Montaño family
Vil­lage women mak­ing ‘tejate.’ Mon­taño fam­i­ly ©John Lamkin

All the drugs should be tak­en before an via­gra overnight cana­da hour of cop­u­la­tion. There is no doubt that the Indi­an med­ical indus­try’s silde­nafil in usa main appeal is low-cost treat­ment. Regard­less of the cause, ED usu­al­ly can be sug­gest­ed to keep head raised for a few sec­onds and enjoy­ing the plea­sure of inti­ma­cy to the cialis cheap­est max. Com­plet­ing an Adult Dri­vers Ed Course in Texas Adult dri­vers ed cours­es are believed to online order via­gra make the road­ways of Texas sig­nif­i­cant­ly safer. 

Here’s a video we shot while we were vis­it­ing the vil­lage. We were very priv­i­leged to be invit­ed to this cel­e­bra­tion by one of our weavers.
More to come on this vis­it soon.

Starr Interiors’ 37th Annual Half Price Sale and Rug Raffle

Raffle Rug for Jan drawing
Raf­fle Rug for Jan­u­ary 2012 draw­ing — pho­to: Leah Sobol

37th Annu­al Half-Price Sale
Hap­pen­ing Now!

At the end of each year, Starr Inte­ri­ors has offered its entire stock of beau­ti­ful, hand-loomed 100% wool weav­ings at incred­i­ble prices dur­ing its annu­al Half-Price Sale.

This year’s sale begins on Fri­day, Decem­ber 16th and con­tin­ues through Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 4th.

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The Line of the Spir­it™ is our sig­na­ture col­lec­tion, receiv­ing great acclaim for more than two decades as a viable, qual­i­ty alter­na­tive to fine ori­en­tal rugs. Both the depth and inten­si­ty of our hand-dyed col­ors as well as the range of designs, inspired from cul­tures all over the world, pro­vide a tru­ly excit­ing addi­tion to any décor. The integri­ty of the nat­ur­al wool fiber is sure to pro­vide endur­ing plea­sure and each piece is unique.

Raf­fle tick­ets will be sold dur­ing the sale for a 2–1/2′ x 5′ rug with all pro­ceeds going to the Dream Tree Project in Taos. Cost is $5 per tick­et or six tick­ets for $25. This is not only an oppor­tu­ni­ty to win a beau­ti­ful rug, but the per­fect time of the year to con­tribute to an impor­tant and wor­thy project that pro­vides help to young people.

Our atten­tive and expe­ri­enced staff will be hap­py to answer any ques­tions you may have or help you find the spe­cial piece you’re look­ing for. And, remem­ber, our hand-loomed wool coast­ers make won­der­ful gifts for your­self or a spe­cial friend.

You can call direct­ly at 575–758-3065 or 1–800-748‑1756 or email us at

A Taste of Oaxaca in Taos, New Mexico: Master Zapotec Weaver, Florentino Gutierrez, Gives Weaving Demonstration

A Taste of Oax­a­ca in Taos, New Mex­i­co: Mas­ter Zapotec Weaver, Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez, Gives Weav­ing Demonstration

A Taste of Oaxaca in Taos, New Mexico: Master Zapotec Weaver, Florentino Gutierrez, Gives Weaving Demonstration
A Taste of Oax­a­ca in Taos, New Mex­i­co: Mas­ter Zapotec Weaver, Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez, Gives Weav­ing Demon­stra­tion ©John Lamkin

Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez, not­ed weaver of Zapotec hand­made rugs, will be giv­ing a weav­ing demon­stra­tion show­ing the tra­di­tion­al way of the cen­turies old Zapotec Indi­an weav­ing tech­nique Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, Octo­ber 1st and 2nd, 2011. Starr Inte­ri­ors will be host­ing this spe­cial event in their his­toric court­yard* at 117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, New Mex­i­co two doors south of the Taos Inn.

*The court­yard of casa Las Golon­dri­nas, the home and stu­dio (1906–1909) of found­ing mem­ber and first pres­i­dent of the Taos Soci­ety of Artists, E.I Couse.

Couse Courtyard Circa 1907 now Starr Interiors
Couse Court­yard Cir­ca 1907 now Starr Inte­ri­ors — cour­tesy Couse Foundation

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We will be prepar­ing and serv­ing tra­di­tion­al Oax­a­can hot choco­late, a deli­cious blend of hand ground choco­late, cin­na­mon and sug­ar, beat to a frothy mix­ture and tra­di­tion­al­ly served at all impor­tant Zapotec events.

Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez is one of a new gen­er­a­tion of Zapotec mas­ter weavers who has per­fect­ed the use of ani­line dyes to make some of the most stun­ning col­ors ever seen in Zapotec weav­ings. Many of his works are geo­met­ric vari­a­tions of the saltil­lo dia­mond and mit­la fret. His rev­er­ence for tra­di­tion­al design, while embell­ish­ing it in mod­ern col­or and form, makes this weaver’s works impor­tant and unique. Hon­or­ing his indige­nous her­itage, but cre­at­ing a vital new look exe­cut­ed with the finest of detail make this     demon­stra­tion a spe­cial oppor­tu­ni­ty for all to watch a mas­ter weaver at work.

Starr Inte­ri­ors own­er, Susan­na Starr, has had a close rela­tion­ship with the weaver and his fam­i­ly for more than thir­ty five years. The entire col­lec­tion of his weav­ings will be on spe­cial sale dur­ing the week­end event.

A Taste of Oaxaca in Taos, New Mexico: Master Zapotec Weaver, Florentino Gutierrez, Gives Weaving Demonstration with his cousin Hugo
A Taste of Oax­a­ca in Taos, New Mex­i­co: Mas­ter Zapotec Weaver, Flo­renti­no Gutier­rez, Gives Weav­ing Demon­stra­tion with his cousin Hugo (at the loom) ©John Lamkin

As part of “Starr Interiors Features Taos Artists,” the gallery presents The Art of Richard St. John Hawley & Tupper Heaton Hawley

As part of Starr Inte­ri­ors Fea­tures Taos Artists, the gallery presents The Art of Richard St. John Haw­ley & Tup­per Heaton Hawley.

The exhib­it will be shown from Sep­tem­ber 25 through Octo­ber 14, 2011 with a recep­tion for the artists from 5 – 7 pm, Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 25 in Starr Inte­ri­ors, his­toric courtyard.

Starr Inte­ri­ors is locat­ed at 117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, New Mexico.

Richard Hawley & Tupper Heaton Hawley
Richard Haw­ley & Tup­per Heaton Hawley

Richard St. John Haw­ley & Tup­per Heaton Hawley

Richard & Tup­per met in Taos, New Mex­i­co in 1980, both chil­dren of renowned artists. From a very ear­ly age they were exposed to many medi­ums of art and were very influ­enced by the beau­ty around their homes and the Taos land­scape. Through their efforts, they have devel­oped a won­der­ful sense of col­or, form and tex­ture. Richard’s back­ground in ceram­ics com­bined with Tup­per’s life long expo­sure to met­al pro­duces end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties. Richard’s exquis­ite ceram­ic ves­sels are much sought after. The rich, unique met­al-mosa­ic medi­um used by Tup­per is an inno­va­tion of her par­ents and is used exclu­sive­ly in the fam­i­ly. Tup­per and Richard’s con­tri­bu­tion to the advance­ment and enhance­ment of the medi­um con­tin­ues to unfold. The lat­est addi­tion is using Fused Glass along with the cop­per mosa­ic, mak­ing glass mosaics and com­bin­ing them with cop­per, sil­ver and semi pre­cious stones such as turquoise, opals gar­nets, amethyst, pearls and tour­ma­line. Togeth­er they com­bine their tal­ents to cre­ate intri­cate com­po­si­tions of swirling sil­ver, cop­per and brass mosa­ic, inlaid semi-pre­cious stones and fused glass, hand paint­ed liq­uid gold on gleam­ing cop­per pan­els pre­sent­ed on back­grounds of carved wood.
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Tupper Heaton Hawley - Pueblo Cross
Tup­per Heaton Haw­ley — Pueblo Cross
Richard Hawley - Raku Pot
Richard Haw­ley — Raku Pot

Starr Inte­ri­ors
117 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
Taos, NM 87571

Celebrating the Old and the New — Dawning Pollen Shorty’s Exhibit in E.I. Couse’s Old Studio

Dawning Pollen Shorty with grandma, aunts and brother
Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty with grand­ma, aunts and brother

Four gen­er­a­tions, from great-grand­moth­ers to lit­tle girls, were there to hon­or Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty, Taos Pueblo sculp­tor in mica­ceous clay, at an exhib­it that was held at Starr Inte­ri­ors on Sun­day, August 21st. Many oth­ers were there, includ­ing her father, well known sculp­tor Robert Shorty, and her broth­er, as well as many art enthu­si­asts, per­son­al friends and many oth­er relatives.

Many from the com­mu­ni­ty were in the court­yard vis­it­ing with each oth­er and with Pollen. They were there to see her work, of course, but also there to cel­e­brate with her. Con­tin­u­ing in the tra­di­tion of her moth­er Bernadette Track and aunt Soge Track, both artists as well, Pollen’s love of the clay and the earth of which it is part was reflect­ed in her del­i­cate and lyri­cal figures.

Clay demonstration - Dawning Pollen Shorty with Susanna Starr
Clay demon­stra­tion — Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty with Susan­na Starr watching

Whether buy­ing for them­selves of for the busi­ness they own or man­age, women make final pur­chas­ing deci­sions based on via­gra gener­ic india the rela­tion­ship with the part­ner and try to get their sup­port as much as 98%. — In Nov. of 2006, Dr Sin­clair and Rafael De Cabo, did a study on mid­dle aged mice and the find­ings were extreme­ly encour­ag­ing. The gland’s main job is to cre­ate ejac­u­la­tion flu­id cialis in the uk which sup­plies nutri­ents for sperm. First of all, what are the things that gener­ic via­gra online you ought to keep away from this drug. Why Choose Herbal Sup­ple­ments Over The Mod­ern Drugs? No Side Effects or neg­a­tive results at all. cialis uk Ear­li­er in the day, Pollen gave a demon­stra­tion show­ing how she paint­ed the fired clay. In this case, it was a beau­ti­ful mask depict­ing a Pueblo woman in her cer­e­mo­ni­al hair style, almost rem­i­nis­cent of an Etr­uscan mask. Lat­er some of those at the demon­stra­tion, includ­ing some who had stud­ied with her pre­vi­ous­ly, returned for the recep­tion to cel­e­brate her work. One of the men, I’m told, went home the fol­low­ing day and dug out his pail of clay that he had been guard­ing since he had stud­ied with her some time ago. How’s that for inspiration?

It was a delight­ful time, a beau­ti­ful day and evening, and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to hon­or anoth­er young Taos artist who’s a well known teacher as well. As always, it was also a chance to recon­nect with oth­er peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ty. This was the sec­ond in the series of Starr Inte­ri­ors Invites Taos Artists. The court­yard at our his­toric build­ing, over a hun­dred years ago home and stu­dio of famed artist, E.I. Couse*, seems to be made for embrac­ing and cel­e­brat­ing Taos’ own art community.

E.I. Couse with Native Model, Taos New Mexico
E.I. Couse with Native Mod­el, Taos New Mex­i­co — pho­to cour­tesy Couse Foundation

Please check in with us to find out more about the next show in this series to be held on Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 25th, fea­tur­ing the work of Richard Haw­ley and Tup­per Heaton Haw­ley, both car­ry­ing on in the tra­di­tion of Taos fam­i­lies of acclaimed artists.

*E.I. Couse (1866–1936), found­ing mem­ber and first pres­i­dent of the Taos Soci­ety of Artists

Pho­tos by © John Lamkin except where oth­er­wise not­ed.

As part of “Starr Interiors Features Taos Artists” the gallery presents: Art in Mica Clay with Taos Pueblo Potter Dawning Pollen Shorty

As part of
“Starr Inte­ri­ors Fea­tures Taos Artists”
the gallery presents:

Art in Mica Clay

Sculp­tures by Taos Pueblo Artist
Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty

at Starr Inte­ri­ors

2–4pm Sun­day, August 21st 2011
5:30 – 7:30 pm Sun­day, August 21st 2011

Dur­ing San­ta Fe Indi­an Market

Dawn­ing Pollen’s work has been exhib­it­ed in many shows and has con­sis­tent­ly received awards. She fol­lows in the tra­di­tion of a cre­ative fam­i­ly from the Taos Pueblo. Both her par­ents, pot­ter Bernadette Track and sculp­tor Robert Shorty, are well known artists. Oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers involved in the arts include her grand­moth­er Jeri, her great grand­moth­er Toni­ta, uncle John Sua­zo and great-uncle Ralph Sua­zo. This will be her first solo show.

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Dawning Pollen Shorty
Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty, Image by Shan­non B. Bitsoie

Artist State­ment:

I was born an artist, but did­n’t know until I became an adult. Work­ing with indige­nous clay from Moth­er Earth gives me a con­nec­tion with every­thing in the universe.

I feel it when I work with it. It is what keeps me hap­py, bal­anced, and connected.

My art is aes­thet­ic and I want to con­vey the beau­ty in the human form while at the same time show how beau­ti­ful mica clay is.

Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty, Taos/ Lakota/ Navajo

The work of Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty:
Pre­vi­ous Image
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